books on brown wooden shelf
books on brown wooden shelf

Welcome to Color Visible, a small business dedicated to helping authors bring their visions to life. Specializing in providing vibrant and eye-catching book covers and websites that leave a lasting impression on readers. We are passionate about working closely with authors to understand their unique style and preferences, ensuring that every design we create truly reflects their vision.

Whether you're a seasoned author or just starting your writing journey, we are here to provide you with the tools you need to captivate your audience. At Color Visible, we believe that a beautifully designed book cover and website can truly enhance your storytelling and make a significant impact on your readers. Get ready to showcase your work with confidence and let your creativity shine with Color Visible.

Bring Your Vision to Life

Discover Our Creative Book Cover Designs

Book cover designs play a crucial role in attracting readers and conveying the essence of a story. A well-designed cover can captivate potential readers and generate interest in the book. It serves as a visual representation of the content and genre, giving a glimpse into the world within its pages. A book cover design should be eye-catching and aesthetically pleasing, with a balance between typography, imagery, and color scheme. It should effectively communicate the mood and tone of the story, enticing readers to pick it up and explore further. Whether it's a bold and vibrant design or a minimalist and elegant approach, book cover designs have the power to evoke emotions and create anticipation for the literary journey that awaits.

assorted-title book lot on shelves
assorted-title book lot on shelves

Book cover templates

Our templates have been carefully crafted to suit a variety of genres and styles, ensuring that there is something for every author. Whether you're looking for a contemporary design, a classic look, or something more unique, our templates offer a range of options to meet your needs. We've got you covered: e-book covers, paperback, or hard covers with wrap. By selecting one of our pre-designed templates, you can save time and effort in creating an eye-catching book cover. Explore our collection today and find the perfect template to bring your book to life.

book cover labeled areas
book cover labeled areas

Custom Book Cover Designs

If you have a vision for a unique book cover design that perfectly captures your imagination, look no further. We specialize in creating custom book covers that breathe life into your words. Working closely with you to understand your vision, we'll work to bring it to reality. Whether you have a specific concept in mind or need guidance in finding the perfect design, we are here to help. With our expertise in graphic design and a keen eye for aesthetics, we will create a book cover that will captivate your readers and perfectly reflect the essence of your story. Contact us today to discuss your ideas and let us bring your imagination to life on the cover of your book.

Boost Your Online Presence and Connect with Readers

dog with nose in book
dog with nose in book

As an author, having a website is essential for enhancing your online presence and connecting with readers. With your own website, you can showcase your portfolio, display book covers and synopses, and provide updates on upcoming releases and events. Additionally, you can engage with your readers through blog posts, author interviews, and newsletter subscriptions. A professionally designed website can help you build credibility and reach a wider audience, ultimately leading to increased book sales and fan base. Whether you are a new author looking to establish your brand or an experienced writer seeking to expand your online reach, having a website is a crucial aspect of your author's journey.

Are you an author looking to create a stunning and personalized website? We'd love the opportunity to help you establish your online presence and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Don't settle for a generic website when you can have a tailor-made one that reflects your individuality and meets your specific needs.

Need help getting started?

Our add-ons allow you to truly make your website your own. With the option to import your existing blog posts, your readers can stay updated with your latest literary creations. Setting up a newsletter campaign will enable you to connect with your audience and keep them engaged. And if you have physical or digital assets to offer, our template can be easily customized to showcase them in the most appealing way.